Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association
Several thousand men and women serve farm clients as crop advisors, providing information and expertise on crop production, crop protection and natural resource management. This group of commercial, public and independent advisers plays an important role in modern agriculture. Crop advisors provide advice and council producers in their decision making process. This responsibility requires a good understanding of science, food safety, technology, economics and environment. Crop advisors combine knowledge in these disciplines with their local experience to render sound recommendations.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association, Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director and Erin Burton is the Program Administrator
Several thousand men and women serve farm clients as crop advisors, providing information and expertise on crop production, crop protection and natural resource management. This group of commercial, public and independent advisers plays an important role in modern agriculture. Crop advisors provide advice and council producers in their decision making process. This responsibility requires a good understanding of science, food safety, technology, economics and environment. Crop advisors combine knowledge in these disciplines with their local experience to render sound recommendations.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association, Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director and Erin Burton is the Program Administrator
Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council
The Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council (OLPC) was formed in January 2005. The OLPC is dedicated to helping the livestock and poultry industries improve their ability to respond to an emergency animal disease outbreak.
To date, there are 21 member organizations, three associate members and six ex-offico members of OLPC including livestock and poultry groups, farm service, feed, processing and veterinary organizations.
The Council is industry funded and provides a forum for the livestock and poultry industries to come together to develop strategies to deal with important animal health problems.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council and Susan Fitzgerald is their Project Coordinator
The Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council (OLPC) was formed in January 2005. The OLPC is dedicated to helping the livestock and poultry industries improve their ability to respond to an emergency animal disease outbreak.
To date, there are 21 member organizations, three associate members and six ex-offico members of OLPC including livestock and poultry groups, farm service, feed, processing and veterinary organizations.
The Council is industry funded and provides a forum for the livestock and poultry industries to come together to develop strategies to deal with important animal health problems.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council and Susan Fitzgerald is their Project Coordinator
Poultry Service Association
The Poultry Service Association was incorporated in March 2009 after a group of poultry catching and service companies began discussing the need for an industry company.
Our objective is:
To develop and provide information, materials and equipment in planning and implementing biosecurity programs, worker safety protocols, animal welfare schemes and other programs that will assist and benefit the members and others in poultry handling and transportation services.
To create an information network which will provide education and sharing of information among sectors, participants and other agriculture organizations.
To work with producers, processors, governments and local communities to establish and maintain practices and activities that benefit the industry and its participants.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Poultry Service Association and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director
The Poultry Service Association was incorporated in March 2009 after a group of poultry catching and service companies began discussing the need for an industry company.
Our objective is:
To develop and provide information, materials and equipment in planning and implementing biosecurity programs, worker safety protocols, animal welfare schemes and other programs that will assist and benefit the members and others in poultry handling and transportation services.
To create an information network which will provide education and sharing of information among sectors, participants and other agriculture organizations.
To work with producers, processors, governments and local communities to establish and maintain practices and activities that benefit the industry and its participants.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Poultry Service Association and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director
Presidents' Council
The Council was launched in 2004 to provide a forum based on a think-tank model within which the Chairs/Presidents of Ontario agricultural organizations can discuss the broad issues and challenges facing Ontario agriculture. The Council’s membership currently represents 32 Ontario agricultural groups.
Past initiatives undertaken by the Council include the Grow Our Farms campaign which used television and website advertising to showcase the many positive contributions made by farmers to the overall economy of Ontario.
The Council has begun working on a strategic plan for agriculture and food. In the process of writing the Strategy, with the assistance of David Sparling from the Ivey School of Business at Western, three key strategic pillars were identified: economic growth, health and environment. Economic growth was selected as the initial pillar on which to focus. A report outlining recommendations for supporting and enhancing the economic viability of agriculture and food production in the province was released in April 2013. Work is currently underway on the health pillar which is expected to be released in the spring of 2015.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Presidents' Council and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director
The Council was launched in 2004 to provide a forum based on a think-tank model within which the Chairs/Presidents of Ontario agricultural organizations can discuss the broad issues and challenges facing Ontario agriculture. The Council’s membership currently represents 32 Ontario agricultural groups.
Past initiatives undertaken by the Council include the Grow Our Farms campaign which used television and website advertising to showcase the many positive contributions made by farmers to the overall economy of Ontario.
The Council has begun working on a strategic plan for agriculture and food. In the process of writing the Strategy, with the assistance of David Sparling from the Ivey School of Business at Western, three key strategic pillars were identified: economic growth, health and environment. Economic growth was selected as the initial pillar on which to focus. A report outlining recommendations for supporting and enhancing the economic viability of agriculture and food production in the province was released in April 2013. Work is currently underway on the health pillar which is expected to be released in the spring of 2015.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to Presidents' Council and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director
Ontario Hatcheries Association
The mandate of the Ontario Hatcheries Association (OHA) is to represent the interests of Ontario hatcheries and the associated service and supply companies.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Ontario Hatcheries Association and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director
Canadian global Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database
CgFARAD provides services for veterinarians prescribing drugs extra-label for food animals. This system is only for Canadian licensed veterinarians.
With financial support from pharmaceutical companies, veterinary medical associations, and livestock and poultry producer groups, Canada joined a global food animal residue avoidance databank program known as gFARAD. Based at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario, the Canadian gFARAD provides information on residue avoidance.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to CgFARAD
CgFARAD provides services for veterinarians prescribing drugs extra-label for food animals. This system is only for Canadian licensed veterinarians.
With financial support from pharmaceutical companies, veterinary medical associations, and livestock and poultry producer groups, Canada joined a global food animal residue avoidance databank program known as gFARAD. Based at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario, the Canadian gFARAD provides information on residue avoidance.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to CgFARAD
Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians
The Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians (CASV/ ACVP) was founded in 2003 to bring together veterinarians from across Canada who have a special interest in swine. Membership now includes those in private practice, industry, academia and government. The regional veterinary associations that played a key role in founding the CASV include: Association des Veterinaires en Industrie Animale (AVIA), Ontario Association of Swine Veterinarians (OASV), and the Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians (WCASV).
The CASV mission is to be a responsive, proactive voice for veterinarians involved with the swine industry in Canada.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians.
The Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians (CASV/ ACVP) was founded in 2003 to bring together veterinarians from across Canada who have a special interest in swine. Membership now includes those in private practice, industry, academia and government. The regional veterinary associations that played a key role in founding the CASV include: Association des Veterinaires en Industrie Animale (AVIA), Ontario Association of Swine Veterinarians (OASV), and the Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians (WCASV).
The CASV mission is to be a responsive, proactive voice for veterinarians involved with the swine industry in Canada.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians.
Canadian Livestock Transporters' Alliance
The mandate of the association is to create a communications network which will provide education and sharing of information among the livestock transport sector; and, to work with producers, processors, and government departments to establish and maintain practices and activities that benefit the swine industry and its participants.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Livestock Transporters' Alliance and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director.
The mandate of the association is to create a communications network which will provide education and sharing of information among the livestock transport sector; and, to work with producers, processors, and government departments to establish and maintain practices and activities that benefit the swine industry and its participants.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Livestock Transporters' Alliance and Susan Fitzgerald is their Executive Director.
Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame
The Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Association was incorporated in 1979 as a non-profit association. The Hall of Fame opened June 1, 1980 with the induction of nine pioneer agriculturists (all deceased) who represented more than 100 years of combined efforts and initiatives in building a better agriculture for the province.
The mission of the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Association is to acknowledge, record and preserve the contributions made by leaders to the growth and development of Ontario's agriculture and agri-food industry.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame and Susan Fitzgerald is their Secretary Treasurer. .
The Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Association was incorporated in 1979 as a non-profit association. The Hall of Fame opened June 1, 1980 with the induction of nine pioneer agriculturists (all deceased) who represented more than 100 years of combined efforts and initiatives in building a better agriculture for the province.
The mission of the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Association is to acknowledge, record and preserve the contributions made by leaders to the growth and development of Ontario's agriculture and agri-food industry.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame and Susan Fitzgerald is their Secretary Treasurer. .
Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians
The Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians' (WCASV) was established in 1974 to provide networking opportunities amongst food supply veterinarians engaged in the western Canadian swine industry.
The WCASV's specific objectives are to provide continuing education and scientific updates to the membership who have special interests swine practice, research and the pork industry. The WCASV also provides financial support to the swine production medicine curriculum at WCVM, and provides two awards to undergraduate veterinary students who show excellence in swine medicine.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians.
The WCASV's specific objectives are to provide continuing education and scientific updates to the membership who have special interests swine practice, research and the pork industry. The WCASV also provides financial support to the swine production medicine curriculum at WCVM, and provides two awards to undergraduate veterinary students who show excellence in swine medicine.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Western Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians.
Canadian Meat Science Association
The Canadian Meat Science Association, Canada's national meat science association, was created in 1985 and now includes representatives from all sectors of the Canadian meat industry, from academia and from government. The CMSA aims to facilitate a greater understanding of the science of meat and other edible constituents of animals of all species to address the needs of the largest food processing industry in Canada.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Meat Science Association
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Meat Science Association
Canadian Society of Animal Science
The Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) is a national non-profit organization of persons engaged in extension, production, research, teaching or with a related interest in Livestock or Poultry Industries in Canada.
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Society of Animal Science
Fitzgerald & Co provides administrative services to the Canadian Society of Animal Science
Ontario Association of Equine Practitioners
The OAEP is committed to the health and welfare of horses and to providing leadership within the equine community. The Association’s mission is to facilitate communication and collegiality among equine practitioners in Ontario, support continuing education for equine veterinarians, and provide a link between equine clinical practice, academia, industry, media, government and the community.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Ontario Association of Equine Practitioners.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Ontario Association of Equine Practitioners.
Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners
The Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners (OABP) is a voluntary association that strives to represent the interests of veterinarians working in all aspects of the dairy, beef, and veal cattle industries in Ontario. The Association’s main objectives are: To support the interests of bovine practitioners in Ontario and to promote their image within the profession and among the public and industries they serve.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners.
Fitzgerald & Co. provides administrative services to the Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners.